Looking for Assessment for Selection?

Access information about Assessment for Selection here.

Request Submission

Send the SKS Assessment Request form, along with:

Participant’s resume (a link to their LinkedIn profile page may suffice if the resume is unavailable), a job description for their current role, and any other contextual information that it would be helpful for us to know to [email protected].

The Client Services Team considers the above submission email the green light to launch the assessment process.

Please ensure participant(s) are aware of our planned outreach. The Client Services Team will follow up with participant(s) with reminders until the assessment components have been scheduled.

In most cases, a discussion around the purpose and value of a developmental assessment is appropriate.

We encourage assessment requesters to discuss the assessment request, purpose, and process with the participant prior to submitting their request.

Fill out a separate Assessment Request form for each participant.

Introductory Communication

The SKS team reaches out to the participant via phone or email.

We walk the participant through the steps of the assessment process, answer any questions, and work with the participant to schedule their interview (and work simulation, if applicable) as well as their feedback session. In the case of a 360 assessment, we work closely with the participant to clarify their next steps and to provide any support necessary.

Email Communication to Participant

The SKS team sends an email to the participant containing links to the online assessments and work simulation portal (if applicable)

A Client Services Team member sends a confirmation email to the requester.

The email will contain the details of the scheduled components and offers pre and post call options.

Pre Call

30 minute call with SKS Consultant and key organizational stakeholders (hiring manager, HR representative, recruiter, etc.).

The purpose of this call is to discuss the upcoming evaluation.

In order to make the most of this conversation, take a moment to reflect on the following:

  • Why is this developmental assessment being requested now?
  • What do you hope to learn from this developmental assessment?
  • How do you hope to use the insights gleaned from this developmental assessment moving forward?
  • What efforts have already been made to support this participant’s development? What has worked well?

During the pre call, keep in mind the contextual specifics:

  • What do you most hope to learn about this participant as a result of this assessment process?
  • Are there certain questions that you are hoping to have answered via this assessment process? If so, what are they?
  • What information will be most helpful for you to have as a result of this assessment process?
  • Is there anything else that your SKS Consultant should know about this participant or their current and future organizational context?

If a pre-call is not possible, please complete a pre-selection survey found here.

SKS Interview with Participant

The SKS Consultant meets with the participant via video on the Microsoft Teams Platform.

Purpose of the Call:

This 60–90 minute interview is meant to arm the SKS Consultant with additional context around the participant’s job experience, academic experience, work and career related history as well as their self-insight and motivations around professional development.

Developmental Report Provided

5 business days following the completion of the participant’s last scheduled assessment component:

The SKS Client Services team sends the assessment report via email to all report recipients listed on the Assessment Request form (excluding the participant themselves).

Post Call

30-minute call with the SKS Consultant and key organizational stakeholders (manager, HR representative, etc.)

The participant is not included in this call.

The purpose of this call is to discuss the developmental report.

In order to facilitate a meaningful discussion during this call, take a moment to carefully review the report before this call.

Take note of the following:

  • Any questions you may have regarding the qualitative report content, as well as the quantitative ratings.
  • Any areas that confirm your observations regarding the strengths and development opportunities of the participant.
  • Any areas in which the assessment feedback differs from your experience of the participant, or in which the feedback feels inconsistent or unclear.

During the post call:

Take note of the following:

  • Ask any questions that you may have about report content or ratings.
  • Consider how the strengths and development opportunities that are highlighted within the assessment report may manifest within the participant’s current or future roles. If you are not sure, ask the Consultant to explore any relevant scenarios that may come to mind.
  • Consider the competencies and attributes that are most important for success in the participant’s current role as well as any potential future roles. If you do not have a clear picture of the individual’s presentation related to these competencies and attributes, ask the Consultant to share more detail and insight into these areas.
  • Discuss how to support the participant in order to build on the strengths and manage the development opportunities that are highlighted within the assessment report.

Share your thoughts around the developmental feedback and invite all other meeting attendees to do the same.

Explore ways to continue to support the participant in their developmental efforts.

Enlist the assistance of the SKS Consultant and other meeting attendees in identifying near and long-term next steps.

Feedback to Participant

The SKS Client Services Team will work with the participant to schedule their feedback session at the same time that they schedule their interview.

The feedback session will likely be scheduled 2-3 weeks following the completion of all components of their assessment process.

During a feedback session, the participant will meet with their SKS Consultant to review the key findings of their developmental assessment.

  • This feedback session is a 60-minute video call wherein the participant meets with their SKS Consultant to review their SKS feedback report.
  • The participant facing developmental feedback report is slightly different than the organization facing assessment report. To this end, the participant facing feedback report contains an overview of the participant’s strengths, opportunities, leadership derailers and suggestions for development. Additionally, the participant receives their raw data – the actual score reports from the assessment measures that they completed as part of the assessment process.
  • During the feedback session, the Consultant walks through the feedback report with the participant, exploring their reactions, prompting reflection, and working towards the identification of key next steps based on the insights provided.
  • Following the feedback session, the participant is encouraged to engage in a discussion with their leader to review their findings and to seek both additional feedback and alignment regarding their professional development goals.

Choosing the Right Assessment Level

Talent Evaluations

  • Include personality, problem solving, and critical thinking assessments, alongside an interview with a SKS Consultant to provide additional context regarding the participant’s experiences, approach to others, self-insight, strengths, and development opportunities.
  • Talent evaluations can be used to provide insight around potential for growth and development and to assess a participant’s behavior and presence, in addition to their preferences and capabilities, in order to identify and target key strengths to leverage and opportunity areas to address.
  • The time commitment for a participant is approximately 4 hours.
  • This level of assessment is most appropriate for high impact individual contributors.

Comprehensive Talent Evaluations

  • Include the same series of online inventories and interview as the talent evaluation, but also includes a work simulation exercise to assess a participant’s performance in the context of a simulated inbox exercise.
  • Comprehensive talent evaluations can be used to provide insight around potential for growth and development and to assess a participant’s real-time reaction and responses in combination with their workstyle, behavior, preferences, and capabilities in order to identify and target key strengths to leverage and opportunity areas to address.
  • The time commitment is approximately 6 hours.
  • This level of assessment is most appropriate for leaders of people and is commonly used for those that hold supervisor or manager postions.

Comprehensive Executive Evaluations

  • Builds upon the comprehensive evaluation process, by including a more in-depth interview experience, as well as a more substantial work simulation, including a planning exercise and role play component.
  • Comprehensive executive evaluations can be used to provide insight around potential for growth and development and to investigate a participant’s strategic planning capabilities and their ability to coach and respond to conflict, in combination with an assessment of their workstyle, behavior, preferences and capabilities.
  • The time commitment is approximately 7.5 hours.
  • This level of assessment is most appropriate for leaders of leaders, such as those individuals in VP or director level positions.

Top Executive Evaluations

  • The most thorough and robust level of evaluation and include the same level of assessment as a comprehensive executive evaluation, with an extra emphasis on strategic planning and intentional influence.
  • Top executive evaluations are a thorough method of evaluating a participant’s workstyle, preferences, behavior, and performance from multiple perspectives in order to identify and target key strengths and development opportunities and to provide insight to potential for growth and progression.
  • The time commitment for a candidate is approximately 7.5 hours.
  • This level of assessment is most appropriate for C suite leaders.

360 Assessments

  • Used in an effort to gather feedback directly from key stakeholders.
  • These assessments create an opportunity for leaders to seek input from others around how they are experienced at work, including what they do well, and where they can make changes in order to increase their effectiveness.
  • The time commitment for a 360 assessment varies, depending on the type of 360 assessment requested.
  • For more information about 360 assessments, click here (link to 360 material).

Communication Best Practices: FAQ

Many times, candidates find themselves seeking additional clarity around the SKS Assessment Process; including what they can expect, what the process is for, and how they can best prepare. Below, you will find some frequently asked questions, as well as key talking points that can be used in response to candidate inquiries.

Participant Question:

Why am I being asked to complete a developmental assessment?

Assessments are frequently used to identify aspirations, motivations, strengths, and developmental needs. These attributes are analyzed with respect to the demands of your leadership role as well as opportunities for enhancing your job performance and professional growth.

A developmental assessment can be used for a number of different reasons:

  • To identify potential for career progression and leadership development, and, further, to inform development and succession planning efforts
  • To help leaders understand how they can best leverage their strengths, and areas of focus for their ongoing development
  • To help key stakeholders understand how to best support the growth of their employees and to identify a targeted and individualized approach for participant coaching and development

Participant Question:

How will the organization use these results?

The results of the assessment will be considered by the organization in light of its own observations and with due consideration to your track record. Any developmental assignments or future promotion decisions are made by the organization, not by the SKS Consultant. SKS can, however, help to translate your insights into action via succession and development planning support. Find more information about our development planning offerings here.

Participant Question:

What will I do during the assessment?

The process includes one or more of several possible components. These components may include:

  • An interview with an SKS doctoral-level consultant who has broad-based expertise in working with organizations at all levels.
  • Inventories that provide information about your personality, interests, and work styles. The inventories yield profiles that are highly job-related and are not intended to search for personal information.
  • Exercises that measure reasoning ability. These provide insights regarding your thinking style and how you solve problems.
  • Simulations that place you into a mock “real life” work situation where you are asked to deal with the problems and challenges presented.

Participant Question:

What kinds of questions will I be asked?

Individuals usually find the interview to be thorough and thought provoking. Participants are asked questions about relevant developmental experiences, academic history, self-perceptions, motivations, and a great deal about work and career related history.

Participant Question:

How valid is this process?

These types of work-related assessments, along with the separate evaluative instruments we use, have been researched and validated to ensure that results are relevant to and predictive of job performance and leadership success.

Participant Question:

Is this information too personal?

The assessment is not a clinical evaluation but rather seeks to identify work-related insights. The interview does not involve strange or intimately probing questions. The consultants at SKS specialize in this type of assessment and have worked with thousands of leaders over the years.

Participant Question:

How should I prepare?

To best prepare for the online exercises, do your best to set aside uninterrupted time, and to complete the exercises when you feel well rested and able to focus completely. In regard to the interview, there is no need to worry unnecessarily. We hope you’ll find it an interesting, thought-provoking, and insightful experience. Be yourself, and participate in the process fully.

Participant Question:

Why not just use my track record and my manager’s appraisal of my performance?

The organization does use your track record and places a great deal of reliance on your accomplishments and on previous performance. However, since each person’s track record and accomplishments are unique and individualized, these sources do not always allow comparisons, nor do they necessarily provide consistent data about your potential or your fit with a specific future role.

Participant Question:

What if I need accommodations to fully participate in the assessment?

It is the policy of SKS Consulting Group to provide reasonable accommodations for employees or candidates for employment with an SKS client organization. If you need assistance or accommodations to fully participate in the assessment process, please contact SKS Client Services at 952.926.9852 or at [email protected].

Participant Question:

How is my background or identity considered as part of the process?

As a values-driven organization that applies the best available psychological science to benefit society and improve lives, SKS Consulting Group is committed to infusing the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion into all aspects of the work we do. SKS is committed to equal opportunities for all participants and applicants without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, number of dependent children or the ages of the children, physical or mental disability, genetic information, status as a protected veteran or any other basis on which discrimination is prohibited by federal or local law.

Participant Question:

Who receives the results?

The raw data are retained by SKS Consulting Group and are not provided to the organization. In most cases, a written report summarizing results will be sent to the HR department of the organization. If you are being considered for succession, it provides information about the probable match between your strengths and the requirements of future leadership roles. The report also addresses leadership development opportunities. The SKS Consultant may discuss results with appropriate representatives of the organization at the request of the organization.

Participant Question:

How will I learn about the results?

After all assessments are finalized, you can be expected to review the feedback with an SKS Consultant. If your feedback session has not already been scheduled, feel free to call SKS Client Services at 952.926.9852 or at [email protected].

Beyond the Development Assessment

Following a developmental assessment, a participant may benefit from additional support in identifying key development goals and in creating a plan for moving towards those goals. This support is available through the SKS Leadership Development Program – a structured and streamlined approach to leveraging data to enable meaningful and sustainable change. To learn more about the Leadership Development Program, click here.

Additionally, we offer ongoing support in the way of regular coaching sessions with an SKS Consultant. These coaching engagements are tailored to the participant’s specific needs and development opportunities. For more information, reach out to your SKS Client Manager.

Meet Our Team


Marie Anderson, Psy.D.

SKS Partner

David Donnay, Ph.D.

SKS Partner

Heather Mortensen, Ph.D.

SKS Partner

Nathan Whittier, Psy.D.

SKS Partner


Jennifer Shepard, Psy.D

Talent Assessment Consultant

Megan Lowery, Ph.D.

Talent Assessment Consultant

Katie Pesch, Ph.D.

Talent Assessment Consultant

Sarah Jensen, Ph.D.

Talent Assessment Consultant

Diane Govern, Ph.D.

Talent Assessment Consultant

Marina Mery, Ph.D.

Talent Assessment Consultant

Yi Du, Ph.D.

Talent Assessment Consultant

Savana Holmes, Ph.D.

Talent Assessment Consultant

Client Services & Operations

Melissa Robinson, MBA

Business Operations Leader

Jeremiah McMillan, Ph.D.

Lead Data Scientist

Phillip Starns, MS

Data Analyst, People Analytics

Jessie Collins

Client Services Lead, Project Specialist

Mimmie Sjöberg

Client Services Coordinator, Operations Specialist

Lindsay Woodworth

Client Services Coordinator

Taylor March

Client Services Coordinator

Michael Torborg

Client Services Coordinator

Casey Hale

Marketing & Client Relations Coordinator

Alice Meichsner

Administrative Assistant


Email Us

Marie Anderson, Psy.D., Partner

Dr. Anderson has a passion for applying psychological principles and assessment data to enhance decision making and maximize performance. She is specifically focused in the areas of selection and development of key talent. Dr. Anderson’s approach is system oriented and solution driven. The results are high performing individuals and teams that drive results for the business. She has served as a trusted HR and Management partner for over a decade, helping individuals, teams and organizations turn insight into action. Dr. Anderson has insight and knowledge gained from working as an internal consultant at a global medical device company for many years, as well as from owning and managing her own business prior to joining SKS Consulting Group. She also serves as an adjunct professor at the University of St. Thomas and Hamline University.

University of Saint Thomas – Doctor of Psychology, Counseling Psychology, 2007 – 2011
Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota – Master of Arts, Marriage and Family Therapy, 2004 – 2006
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities – Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, 2002 – 2004
Purdue University – Psychology, Women’s Studies, 2001 – 2002

David Donnay, Ph.D., Partner

Dr. Donnay develops leaders and transforms organizations. He has nearly two decades of experience in applied psychology in business settings. He is known for his business acumen and strategic thinking as well as his knowledge of psychology. Widely considered an expert in assessment for selection and development, he also brings expertise in coaching and succession planning. His research and consulting career over the past 20 years has focused on the long-term prediction of leadership and career success. 

Earlier in his career, Dr. Donnay led research, product development, and professional services for a global publishing and consulting organization. Dr. Donnay advises organizations on a wide range of strategic issues such as selecting and developing leadership talent, identifying and preparing future leaders, and aligning and accelerating team performance. Dr. Donnay is also on the Board of Trustees of Washburn Center for Children in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Iowa State University – Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, 1993 – 1998
St. John’s University – Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, 1989 – 1993

Heather Mortensen, Ph.D., Partner

For more than fifteen years, Dr. Mortensen has improved the quality of organizational decision-making in the critical areas of selection and development. She has an exceptional talent for providing empirically driven yet practical solutions that select, develop, and engage leaders and talent at all levels. She is dedicated to making assessment data applicable for individuals to excel personally and professionally and for organizations to understand how people function on the job. She has a keen ability to identify and then maximize and grow the capabilities and competencies of human resources to the fullest. Dr. Mortensen is passionate about maximizing organizational effectiveness by leveraging data, developing individuals, and building teams. Dr. Mortensen performed as an internal organizational psychologist for a Fortune 100 company where she provided practical and results-focused solutions. Just prior to joining SKS she successfully led a learning and development function for one of the nation’s largest healthcare systems.

University of Minnesota – Ph.D., Counseling Psychology (Occupational Health focus), 2001 – 2007
University of Minnesota – Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, 1996 – 2000

Nate Whittier Psy.D. Partner

Since joining SKS in 2006, Dr. Whittier has partnered with a variety of organizations to enhance the quality of decision-making in the critical areas of selection and development of key talent. He has considerable experience working across diverse industries such as manufacturing, retail, finance, health care, and information technology. Clients appreciate Dr. Whittier’s high level of responsiveness and he has effectively maintained strong partner relationships over the past decade. He has conducted thousands of leadership assessments at all levels within organizations. Dr. Whittier is proficient at making assessment data highly relevant and useful beyond the hiring decision. Solution-focused coaching and onboarding and transition planning are additional areas of expertise. Dr. Whittier is a Board Certified Organizational and Business Consulting Psychologist, a credential recognizing advanced competence within the specialty.

Wright State University – Doctor of Psychology, 2001 – 2006
Wright State University  Master of Business Administration, 2002 – 2005
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire – Bachelor of Science, Psychology, 1996 – 2000

Jennifer Shepard, Psy.D., Talent Assessment Consultant

Dr. Jennifer Shepard is a Senior Talent Assessment Consultant with SKS Consulting Group. She graduated with a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and a Master of Business Administration from Widener University in Chester, Pennsylvania in 2018. Throughout her training, Dr. Shepard focused heavily on the integration of psychology and business, specifically on the application of psychological principles to support leadership development and cultivate positive organizational cultures. She brings several years of experience working with the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, where she consulted directly with healthcare leaders to drive employee engagement. In all of her work, Dr. Shepard strives to fully understand the “whole person”, using data driven approaches to support leaders on the individual, team, and organizational level. She is passionate about partnering with leaders to facilitate better understanding of themselves and others through the use of assessment data, and to use these insights to make decisions, set goals, and take action to reach desired outcomes.


Widener University – Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and Master of Business Administration, 2018

Megan Lowery, Talent Assessment Consultant

Dr. Lowery brings several years of experience helping build organizational cultures that develop and support leadership at all levels. She believes people are an organization’s most valuable resource, and she helps clients leverage data-driven insights to enable talent to thrive both personally and professionally. With technical expertise in psychometric assessment and experience working across industries, she brings a passion for helping people be their best selves at work and beyond. Dr. Lowery holds a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of Georgia and has published research in top academic journals, authored thought leadership whitepapers, and spoken at international conferences to share the latest advancements in talent selection and development, job performance and satisfaction, and employee well-being.

University of Georgia – Ph.D., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, 2016 – 2019
East Carolina University – M.A., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, 2014 – 2016
Virginia Tech – Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Business Leadership, 2011 – 2014

Katie Pesch, Ph.D., Talent Assessment Consultant

Dr. Pesch is a Talent Assessment Consultant with SKS Consulting Group. She graduated with her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Iowa State University, where she studied vocational psychology. Her teaching and research activities revolved around career development, person-environment fit, and vocational assessment. She also brings extensive experience in integrated personality assessment to her role.

Iowa State University – Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, 2011 – 2017
University of Minnesota – Twin Cities – B.A., Psychology, 2006 – 2009

Sarah Jensen, Ph.D., Talent Assessment Consultant

Dr. Jensen is a Talent Assessment Consultant with SKS Consulting Group. She earned a Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Florida Institute of Technology and a Master’s degree in Vocational Counseling from Portland State University. She has published research in top academic journals, authored business press articles, and has experience working across industries. Her research activities and interests revolve around individual differences, person-environment fit, employee potential, and career development. Dr. Jensen brings a passion for helping people optimize their potential and enhance their capabilities across the organization and utilizes a whole person approach in working with organizations to make data informed decisions regarding talent.

Florida Institute of Technology – Ph.D., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, 2023
Portland State University – M.S., Vocational Counseling
Pacific University – BS, Psychology

Diane Govern, Ph.D., Talent Assessment Consultant

Dr. Govern is a seasoned leadership consultant who partners with clients to maximize the impact of their people through talent assessment and leadership development. She believes effective leadership is the key ingredient for employee well-being and organizational success. With a strong foundation in industrial and organizational psychology, Dr. Govern combines her expertise in data analytics and executive assessment to guide clients in selecting and nurturing top talent across industries. She helps organizations make informed, strategic decisions about leadership potential at all levels. Her experience spans diverse sectors, including manufacturing, financial services, healthcare, and nonprofits. She has also led talent initiatives for a nationwide construction labor management firm, designing leadership and sales curricula. Earlier in her career, Dr. Govern developed and validated selection protocols for highly scrutinized civil service roles, honing her psychometric and project management expertise. Her comprehensive approach empowers clients to achieve long-term success through strong leadership and effective talent strategies.

The University of Akron, Ph.D in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (1997)
Bowling Green State University, BS in Psychology

Marina Mery, Ph.D., Talent Assessment Consultant

Dr. Marina Mery is recent graduate of the Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology doctoral program at the University of Oklahoma (OU). She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Philosophy and her Master’s degree in Psychology from Tulane University. Prior to graduate school, she worked as a research data coordinator for MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, coordinating quality of life studies for breast cancer patients. Her primary research interests focus on ethical decision-making in online contexts and impact of social media use on attitudes and behaviors. She is excited to leverage her extensive education in I/O psychology and experience in research methodology to assist organizations in meaningfully interpreting data to facilitate informed personnel decisions. 

University of Oklahoma – Ph.D., Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2022
Tulane University – Bachelor of Arts, Psychology and Philosophy
Masters Degree, Psychology

Yi Du, Ph.D., Talent Assessment Consultant 

Dr. Du is a Talent Assessment Consultant with SKS Consulting Group. She graduated with her Ph.D. in
Counseling Psychology from Iowa State University and completed her pre- and post-doctoral training at
University of California, Berkeley. She received extensive training on counseling, human development,
and vocational/psychological assessment. Prior to joining SKS, Dr. Du worked primarily with adults in
higher education and provided coaching, counseling, and psychological evaluation to individuals from
diverse groups in the community.


Iowa State University – Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, 2010 – 2016

Savana Holmes, Ph.D., Talent Assessment Consultant

Dr. Holmes graduated with her Ph.D. and M.A. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and completed her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Cultural & Global Studies from Central Michigan University. She believes in a system oriented, empirical approach to identifying and developing top talent while retaining practicality and utility. She utilizes insights from applied experience in custom assessment to maximize the potential of the workforce via hiring solutions. With technical expertise in psychometric assessment, training, and development, she has a passion for enabling talent to achieve their highest potential.
Central Michigan University – Ph.D., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, 2022-2024
M.A., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, 2020-2022
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Cultural & Global Studies, 2017-2020,

Melissa Robinson, MBA, Business Operations Leader

Melissa is the Business Operations Leader at SKS Consulting Group. She graduated from the University of St. Thomas with a BS in Actuarial Science and an MBA from St Cloud State University with additional studies in leadership at St. Catherine University. Leveraging a background in financial and operational performance, she excels in budgeting, forecasting, and analysis to address operational inefficiencies, drive performance excellence, and strategically improve or create solutions for successful outcomes. With a solution- and action- oriented mindset, she is excited to be surrounded by intelligent and driven colleagues and to expand impact on the business community. 

Jeremiah McMillan, Ph.D., Lead Data Scientist

Dr. McMillan has extensive training in applying scientifically rigorous methods and state-of-the-art statistical models to optimize effective talent selection and management. He has several years’ experience developing and validating cognitive and non-cognitive psychological assessments with a specialty in computerized adaptive testing and gamified assessment. He has published and presented his psychometrics-related research internationally. He is passionate about developing data tools and products to improve insights for internal and external SKS stakeholders alike.

University of GeorgiaPh.D., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, 2019

Phillip Starns, MS, Data Analyst, People Analytics

Phillip graduated from Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri in 2019 where he received his BA in Psychology with a minor in Spanish. His passion for learning led him to Missouri State University where he was awarded a Master of Science degree in Industrial-Organizational Psychology with an emphasis in Research Design and Statistical Methodology. After his academic career Phillip leveraged his data collecting, cleaning, and analysis expertise to help drive meaningful change within various federal and private organizations. Phillip’s analytical, yet creative, problem-solving approach makes him a unique asset to the SKS Data Analytics Team.

Missouri State University – Master of Science, Industrial-Organizational Psychology, 2019 – 2021
Truman State University – Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, 2015 – 2019

Jessie Collins, Client Services Lead, Project Specialist

Jessie is a Client & Assessment Coordinator with SKS Consulting Group. She graduated from Minnesota State University with a B.A. where she studied psychology. Supported by her experience in customer service, she is passionate about delivering high quality service efficiently. She is passionate about helping others, excels in tailoring her approach for each person, and enjoys talking with both candidates and clients.

Mimmie Sjoberg, Client Services Coordinator, Operations Specialist

Mimmie She graduated from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities with a BA in Technical Theatre and a Minor in Business. Equipped with over a decade of customer service experience, she is dedicated to providing the highest quality support to candidates and clients alike. Her passion for people and can-do attitude proves to be invaluable in providing an exceptional SKS experience. With an eagerness to foster and grow client and candidate relationships, Mimmie looks forward to working with you.

Lindsay Woodworth, Client Services Coordinator

Lindsay graduated from Argosy University with a BA in Psychology. Lindsay has several years of administrative and operational experience and has a passion for the field of Psychology. Her strength in multitasking, strong organizational skills, and a drive for success make Lindsay a valued member of the operations team. Lindsay also brings a strong interpersonal dynamic to SKS Consulting Group, and she is motivated to provide a professional and personable experience for clients, candidates, and colleagues.

Taylor March, Client Services Coordinator

Taylor is a Client Services Coordinator with SKS Consulting Group. She graduated from Iowa State University cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. With a background in client and customer relations, she excels in calendar management, time management, multitasking, and customer service. She has an expertise in providing a quality and supportive candidate experience and excels in providing accurate and quality work in order to ensure positive client and candidate relationships.

Michael Torborg, Client Services Coordinator​

Michael graduated from Metropolitan State University with a BS in Business Administration. He has many years of experience in scheduling and customer service, making him an effective communicator who can prioritize client needs. Being driven by his desire to help others, Michael is motivated to provide the best possible experience for everyone at SKS. Time management, detailed organization, and being a team player are skills that Michael uses to create strong foundations with his clients and team members alike.

Casey Hale, Marketing & Client Relations Coordinator

Casey graduated from the University of St. Thomas in Saint Paul, Minnesota, where she received her BA in Psychology with a minor in Entrepreneurship. She is detail-oriented, has a can-do attitude, and has been regularly recognized for her personable yet professional approach in the workplace. With her passion for making connections, Casey excels at effectively communicating the SKS values, products, and services to our clients and potential clients alike.

Alice Meichsner, Administrative Assistant

Alice is the Administrative Assistant at SKS Consulting Group. She graduated from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities in 2022 with a BA in English. She is known for her enthusiasm and strong interpersonal skills. Using her background in communication and a detail-oriented mindset, she excels in customer relations and office management. With a passion for “people first” business models, she is excited to contribute to a value driven company focused on the client and candidate experience.