Assessment: What to Expect
- The organization will notify the candidate/participant of the initiation of the assessment process and the partnership with SKS Consulting Group. This notification can be done verbally, or in writing via email, and should include the following:
- An explanation of why the candidate is being asked to participate in a leadership assessment, administered by SKS Consulting (for instance, “as a part of the selection process for ________ role at ________ organization” or “as an investment in your ongoing professional development and growth”).
- A link to the SKS website, wherein the entire assessment process is outlined in detail here.
- A connection to the SKS Client Services Team ([email protected] or 952-926-9852).
- A reminder that an SKS Client Services Coordinator will be reaching out to initiate the process.
The SKS Client Services Team will reach out to the identified candidate/participant via phone or email. A Client Services Team member will walk the individual through the steps in the assessment process, answer any questions they may have and provide guidance around next steps. The Client Services Team member will also work with the candidate to schedule their interview with an SKS Consultant at this time.
Client Services Team will send a welcome communication and links to the online testing portal and work simulation (if applicable) to the candidate/participant via email.
The candidate/participant will utilize the above-mentioned link to access their online assessment exercises. Depending on the level of assessment, they should plan to spend approximately 3-6 hours completing these pre-work exercises. The candidate can split the online exercises up over as many sessions as necessary. The work simulation must be completed in one session, as the exercise is timed. Though there are no specific ways in which a candidate can or should prepare for the online assessment exercises, they can best set themselves up for success by finding a quiet space in which they can fully concentrate on the material at hand.
The candidate/participant will meet with an SKS Consultant via video for a 60-90 minute interview. This interview provides additional context as it relates to the individual’s professional development, job experience, academics, and work and career related history.
The SKS Consultant interprets and integrates the data from all points of the assessment process and compiles a comprehensive, yet concise, assessment report based on this data integration. This assessment report primarily serves to highlight the individual’s strengths and opportunities for development, and to provide an overview of their core competencies as they relate to the specific role and/or job context at hand.
Key organizational stakeholders are provided a copy of the assessment report and are invited to schedule a post call with the SKS Consultant, wherein they will discuss the content of the assessment report and the candidate/participant’s strengths and opportunities for development in more detail.
In all cases, the candidate/participant can seek feedback on the key findings of their SKS assessment. In the case of a selection assessment, after the hiring decisions are finalized, each candidate is invited to contact SKS to schedule a feedback session. In the case of a developmental assessment, a feedback session will be scheduled at the initiation of the assessment process.
Getting the Most Out of An SKS Feedback Session
Each candidate/participant that participates in the SKS assessment that includes an interview is offered an opportunity to review their feedback with an SKS Consultant.
In the case of a developmental assessment, the SKS Client Services Team will work with the participant to schedule their feedback session at the initiation of the assessment process.
- The feedback session will be a 60-minute video conversation via MS Teams, which is conducted at a minimal cost to the sponsoring organization (for more information regarding feedback session pricing, contact your SKS Client Manager).
- The candidate will receive a modified version of their feedback report the day prior to their feedback session.
In the case of a selection assessment, if the candidate IS an internal candidate, or the external candidate IS moving forward with a role with the organization sponsoring the assessment process, the process at the right applies:
- Upon learning of the hiring decision, the candidate can reach out to SKS via either phone or email to schedule their feedback session.
- The feedback session will be a 60-minute video conversation via MS Teams, which is conducted at a minimal cost to the sponsoring organization (for more information regarding feedback session pricing, contact your SKS Client Manager).
- The candidate will receive a modified version of their feedback report the day prior to their feedback session.
Prior to the feedback session,
the candidate/participant should:
- Carefully review their feedback report, highlighting any questions they have and noting what stands out the most or feels most important to discuss with the Consultant.
- Reflect on their primary goals for the feedback session. What do they hope to learn from the conversation?
- Reflect on their experience of the feedback. Does it align well with their experience? Is anything contained within the report a surprise?
During the feedback session, the candidate/participant should:
- Share their primary goals for the conversation with their SKS Consultant.
- Do their best to maintain an open mind and approach the feedback with curiosity, seeking to better understand their data and how they might utilize these findings in their current and future roles.
- Listen carefully, take notes, and share their reactions to the insights with the Consultant, asking any questions they may have as the conversation progresses.
- Seek to apply these findings to their current role. What is most important for them to focus on moving forward, given their specific context and the demands of their position? How can they leverage their strengths, and what steps might they take to minimize the impact of their development opportunities? They should discuss these reflections with their SKS Consultant, seeking insight, guidance, and resources if desired.
After the feedback session,
the candidate/participant should:
- Set time aside to continue to reflect on the insights from the session.
- Follow up with their SKS Consultant via phone or email with any additional questions that may arise.
- Complete the template for continued reflection contained at the back of their feedback report, identifying their key takeaways from the feedback report and consultative conversation.
- Continue to seek additional feedback, checking in with trusted peers and colleagues to gain insight to the ways in which their strengths and development opportunities are experienced by those around them at work.
- Have a conversation with their leader (and HR partner, if appropriate) regarding the key findings of the assessment process as well their planned next steps based on this feedback.
- Alongside their leader (and HR partner, if appropriate), create a plan for ongoing follow up and accountability as it relates to their professional development.
In the case of a selection assessment, if the candidate is NOT an internal candidate and is NOT moving forward with a role with the organization sponsoring the assessment process:
- Upon learning of the hiring decision, the candidate can reach out to SKS via phone or email to schedule a feedback session.
- The feedback session will be a 30-minute conversation via phone.
- The feedback session will be verbal only, and the candidate will not receive a copy of their feedback report.
- This feedback session is conducted at no cost to the organization or candidate.
- The candidate can prepare for this conversation by reflecting on, and compiling, any specific questions they may have for the SKS Consultant.
- During the conversation, the candidate is encouraged to listen carefully and to take notes.
- The candidate should reflect on the ways in which the Consultant’s feedback resonates with them and aligns (or doesn’t align) with their lived experience. They should share with the Consultant the ways in which the feedback feels like a “fit” (or doesn’t) and should do their best to maintain an open mind and a sense of curiosity regarding their results.
- Following the feedback session, the candidate is encouraged to continue to reflect on these insights, and to consider how they might build upon their identified strengths and work to address their opportunities for improvement.
Participant FAQs
Participant Question:
Is the assessment pass or fail?
No – the assessment is not pass or fail. It is an integrative process in which an SKS Consultant reviews multiple sources of data in order to develop a comprehensive and holistic view of candidate strengths and opportunities as they relate to the role in question. While the SKS Team will provide recommendations in regard to candidate/role fit in the context of a selection assessment, it is not possible to fail the assessment.
Participant Question:
Is this similar to [insert personality exercise here]?
The SKS Team uses a number of evidence based and well validated assessment measures, one or more of which you may have taken in the past. While the personality and workstyle assessment measures will likely feel similar to other, more commonly employed assessments, the measures that SKS uses are carefully chosen to complement one another, and ultimately, to provide a complete and nuanced picture of a candidate/participant’s strengths and opportunities.
Participant Question:
How much time does SKS need to review my pre-work exercises before the interview?
SKS asks that the pre-work exercises are completed prior to the candidate/participant’s interview with an SKS Consultant; however, they do not review these results until immediately following the completion of the interview.
Participant Question:
When will the organization receive the results?
The organization will receive a written report via email 48 hours following the completion of all components of the selection assessment process. The turnaround time for a developmental assessment report is 5 business days.
Participant Question:
Will I get the same report that the organization gets? When will I get the feedback?
The organization receives a slightly different version of the report. The candidate/participant facing version of the report does not include bottom line recommendation (if applicable) or competency and potential ratings, but instead it includes the candidate/participant’s raw data.
In the case of a selection assessment, regardless of hiring decision, the candidate is encouraged to reach out to the SKS Client Services team ([email protected]) upon finalization of the selection process in order to schedule their feedback session.
In the case of a developmental assessment, the SKS Client Services Team will work with the participant to schedule their feedback session upon initiating the process.
Participant Question:
Is the work simulation scenario specific to the job that I am applying for?
The work simulation scenario is not role specific; rather, the scenarios are intended to assess a broad range of leadership competencies and to provide insight to the candidate/participant’s approach to work and to working with others via their demonstration of communication, prioritization, and problem solving throughout the course of the exercise.
Participant Question:
Will there be incoming emails during the inbox exercise?
There are no incoming emails during the inbox exercise.
Participant Question:
What should I wear to the interview?
SKS encourages each candidate/participant to dress professionally, yet comfortably, for the interview. As a general rule of thumb, whatever they would choose to wear to an interview with organizational stakeholders is likely also appropriate for the interview with an SKS Consultant.
Participant Question:
Is the interview via video?
Yes, it is SKS’s preference that interviews are held via audio and video, utilizing the MS Teams platform.
Participant Question:
Are there any behavioral/situational questions in the interview?
The SKS interview involves an exploration of the candidate/participant’s professional development and formative experiences related to their career trajectory. It may also include specific behavioral questions related to the individual’s approach to their work and leadership.
Participant Question:
Is this an IQ or psych eval? What are these exercises looking at?
This is neither an IQ (intelligence quotient) test, nor a clinical psychological evaluation. The exercises that the candidate/participant is asked to complete provide insight into their problem-solving approach, as well as their preferences, attitudes, and general style in relation to work and working with others.
Participant Question:
Does this need to happen prior to the onsite interview at the hiring organization?
The sequencing of selection related events and experiences are dependent on organizational preferences and processes. Thus, the SKS assessment process may take place at any of a number of different points in the hiring process.
Participant Question:
Can you tell me more specifics about the online assessment exercises and what they measure?
The SKS Team commonly asks candidates/participants to complete exercises meant to provide insight in two key areas:
- Personality and Work Style: These exercises tap into leadership drive, motivational patterns, effectiveness with interpersonal relationships, management of feelings and emotions, and general approach to thinking about and getting work done.
- Reasoning and Critical Thinking: These exercises provide insight to the ways in which one uses various types of data to draw conclusions.
- We also may ask candidates/participants to complete a work simulation. The work simulation exercise yields insights on problem solving and decision making approaches, management tactics, delegation, leadership and influencing strategies, and interpersonal style along with communication patterns, detail attention, and overall business acumen. At executive levels, additional planning and role-play simulations are used to assess capacity for strategic thinking and longer-term planning.
*Assessment exercises may vary based on specific situational factors.
It is the policy of SKS Consulting Group to provide reasonable accommodations for employees or candidates for potential employment. The reasonable accommodations policy is introduced in the online assessment exercises invitation to each candidate/participant.
Participant Question:
What is an accommodation?
- Assessment accommodations are changes to the format of a test/tool or its administration procedures (e.g., delivery and response).
- The purpose is to provide equal access to the process for applicants with disabilities; accommodations lessen the impact of the participant’s functional limitation on the process
- Assessment accommodations change how participants are assessed but do not change what an assessment measures.
- Examples of accommodations might include:
- Changes in presentation format (e.g., Word document versus online, audio versus visual, repetition or follow up to ensure understanding, breaking up exercises, etc.)
- Changes in response format (e.g., verbal versus written, use of a scribe, etc.)
- Changes to the assessment setting (e.g., providing a quiet office, etc.)
- Changes associated with assessment timing or scheduling (e.g., more time or no time constraint, multiple appointments versus one, etc.)
Participant Question:
What should I do if I need an accommodation?
- SKS Consulting Group provides reasonable accommodations, if needed, for the assessment process. If the candidate/participant believes they will need an accommodation, please request that they connect with the SKS Client Services team so that the individual can discuss these needs further to identify the most appropriate accommodation plan.
- Please feel free to reference or use the statements above when communicating SKS Consulting Group’s accommodation policy.
The SKS Leadership Development Program
Participant Question:
What is the SKS Leadership Development Program?
The SKS Leadership Development Program improves the skills, abilities and confidence of high-potential leaders via a system oriented and solution driven approach, including thought provoking activities and the facilitation of deep intrapersonal reflection and insight building. When a leader participates in the SKS Leadership Development Program, they are partnered with an SKS Coach who works by their side, guiding them as they develop a robust and actionable plan meant to support future leadership success.
Participant Question:
How does the SKS Leadership Development Program work?
The SKS Leadership Development Program is rooted in the use of data driven insights to drive self-awareness and facilitate leadership growth and development. To this end, the first step leading into the Leadership Development Program is a thorough assessment process, including a series of problem solving, personality, and workstyle exercises, an interview with an SKS Consultant, and a work simulation exercise (dependent on assessment level).
Following the completion of the assessment process, the participant meets with an SKS Consultant to receive feedback and to begin reflecting on their results. Understanding these results and identifying strengths and areas for development will help accelerate the participant’s development planning and set them up for success throughout the program.
Following the feedback session, the participant meets with their SKS Coach for 3, 1 hour, 1:1 action planning sessions.
SESSION 1: Through intentional reflection around their values, goals, and aspirations, and with the support of their SKS Coach, the participant will develop and commit to their Leadership Vision Statement. They will also work alongside their SKS Coach to conduct a thorough Leadership Analysis, grounded in their assessment feedback and insights as well as in a careful exploration of their organizational context and role specific demands. This work is then leveraged to identify three development goals that will serve as the primary areas of focus for their Leadership Development Plan.
SESSION 2: The SKS Leadership Development Model (LDM) is reviewed and discussed as it relates to the participant’s strengths, development areas, and ultimate goals.
- The LDM suggests that leaders are best positioned to achieve sustained and long-lasting behavior change via the examination and adjustment of cognitive mindset, emotional experience, and behavioral practices.
- The SKS Coach will work with the participant to apply the LDM to their identified goals, and to formulate a concrete and specific plan regarding their movement towards these goals.
SESSION 3: The participant and SKS Coach review the Leadership Development Plan in detail, with a focus on support and accountability and on ensuring appropriate preparation for the upcoming alignment meeting. The participant identifies key individuals that they will leverage as resources and sources of support in working towards their goals.
ALIGNMENT MEETING: The participant, their leader, their HR business partner(s), and their SKS Coach meet to review the participant’s Leadership Development Plan. During this meeting, the participant shares their plan in detail; inviting feedback, reactions, and questions from their stakeholders. Ideally, upon the completion of this meeting, the participant and key stakeholders are aligned in regard to the participant’s next steps, required support, and processes for accountability related to their Leadership Development Plan.
360° Assessment: What to Expect
- In an organization’s journey to developing talent, a key step is gaining a clear understanding of each leader’s potential and performance through identified strengths and opportunities. The SKS 360° Online Survey is an efficient questionnaire which collects both quantitative and qualitative feedback regarding leader performance and impact from various perspectives. The survey results often improve self-awareness, promote accountability and ownership, and are an effective catalyst for leadership development.
- Once the participant has been notified of the upcoming 360° process by their organization, an SKS Client Services team member will guide the participant through the 360° process with status updates and scheduling support, and will serve as the primary contact for questions.
- The 360° participant will receive clear instructions, sample communications, and a rater roster templateto initiate the 360° assessment process.
- Upon the completion of data collection, a comprehensive report is compiled. This report is provided exclusively to the participant. All survey responses remain anonymous and confidential, with the exception of feedback from a manager. Written comments will be displayed verbatim.
- The participant will then engage in a feedback session with an SKS Consultant to facilitate understanding and interpretation of their results, to identify key takeaways, and to consider next steps.